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Last updated 28 March 2021

We’ve tried to ensure all our walking routes are accurate. As publishers of this website we cannot take responsibility for errors or omissions or for changes in the details given. As far as we know the routes are public rights of way and open to the public, but we are not responsible for any inaccuracies. Please remember that the weather can be changeable, which might make visibility poor and paths slippery. We are not responsible for your health and safety and if you choose to follow one of our routes it is strictly at your own risk. We are not responsible for any kind of physical injury, or loss or damage to you or your property.

Although we love to share our Ramblings with you, regarding foraging, wild food and home cooking, we take no responsibility for anything you might choose to eat. Don’t eat any wild plants or produce that you are not 100% sure are edible. Check any information you have found on the internet, including this website, with experts and do not rely on the information you find on our blog. It is your responsibility to decide if you have identified wild food correctly, and your responsibility to be aware of allergies and allergens. Please don’t rely on our website for being 100% accurate in relation to images, which may vary compared to actual plants and wild food. Be aware that roadside plants and wild food can contain pollutants.

By using this website you are doing so at your own risk. We do not take responsibility or liability for your actions, inactions or reactions, or any physical injury of whatever kind, or loss or damage to you or your property. Although we hope our information is accurate we do not take any responsibility or liability for omissions or inaccuracies we might inadvertently include.

Having said all that – we hope you really enjoy our walks and reading our Ramblings!